Yellowstone National Park is a beautiful winter wonderland, only accessible by snowmobile or snowcoach. Blanketed in deep snow for months, the park is transformed into a tranquil frozen landscape with beautiful snow capped mountains, frozen lakes, and vast wintery meadows. The bison and other animals roam around foraging for anything thing they can eat. Though it may be cold, winter in Yellowstone is an amazing place that you have to experience for yourself.
Snow Capped Bison
Snow Mazes
A Thick Blanket of Snow
Diving for Dinner
Lonely Bison
Snowy River
Frozen Falls
Frosty Geysers
Snowmobile Buffalo Jam
Digging For Food
A trip to Yellowstone in the summer can be a bit crowded. To have the park to yourself, try visiting in the winter. It truly is a magical place when it is covered in snow.

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