5 Ways to Save on Your Bozeman Ski Trip

Ways to Save on a Ski Trip

We get, ski trips can be expensive with travel, lodging, lift tickets, food, and shopping. Planning can be daunting but that doesn't mean you shouldn't visit. The memories you create on a trip to a place like Bozeman last a lot longer than that Starbucks coffee you buy every day on your way to work. But visiting Bozeman doesn't half to cost an arm and a leg. To help your dollars go a little further, we've put together a few of our insider secrets to help you save money on your next Bozeman ski trip.

Look For Package Options When Buying Your Lift Tickets

If you're going to bring the whole family, it's possible that there might be a group package option that will save you money. At Bridger Bowl they knock a few bucks off if you buy a pass for 3 or more days of skiing. Kids always get a discounted rate and you can also look at doing a few half days. Big Sky Resort offers some similar discount deals along with a Ski and Stay package that could save money in the long run. It's also worth watching for early season lift ticket discounts. Just because it's not after the holiday, doesn't mean you won't have great snow!

Pack Your Lunch

This is a simple way to save during your day. Pack up the cooler and leave it in the lodge while you crush some powder. You and your family can take a mid-day break to put together some sandwiches and/or try some other snack ideas. Make sure you pack plenty to eat, sometimes you can get a hankering for a snack on the way home from the slopes. 

Catch The Bus

Both Big Sky Resort and Bridger Bowl offer rides up to the hill. Bridger Bowl has a bus that takes skiers up to both Bridger Bowl and Bohart Ranch (nordic skiing.) The central pick up/drop off spot is located at the Gallatin Valley Fairgrounds starting at 8:15 a.m. Big Sky offers the Skyline Bus which picks up riders in a variety of spots and times in Bozeman. Catching a ride is an easy way to save on some gas money and worth looking into the next time you're heading over for a ski trip. 

If You Need to Rent Gear, Shop Local

Bozeman offers plenty of places for you to grab ski rentals and most of the shops have been in the business a long time. Some stores will offer multi-day packages or group discounts. It's worth looking into, let alone just to avoid the baggage fees of bringing your own. It also might be an opportunity to try out some new gear (bonus!) It's guaranteed that no matter where you rent, there will be a knowledgeable pro to help you get into the right gear for your level, or help you take your skills to the next level with some different gear. 

Visit During Slower Times

In Montana we're pretty lucky to usually have great snow on the shoulder seasons. Traveling in the early winter or spring can save you some cash on airline tickets and hotel stays, but it doesn't necessarily mean you will have to skimp on the quality of your snow. Take advantage of a well-timed promotion or pre-holiday vacation and save money in the long run. While you're at it, consider traveling mid-week to get a little extra savings on your travel expenses.

That's it! You no longer have an excuse not to schedule your next ski trip in Bozeman. Put a few of these tips to work and you'll have just enough left over for aprés ski happy hour. 

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