Looking to get out and explore the mountains near Bozeman, Montana? We've got you covered. We've compiled our top hiking trails that are within a half hour drive of town. These trails are quick and easy to get to, perfect for anyone looking to anyone visiting Bozeman or even locals who are looking for a new trail to hike. Enjoy our top ten hiking trails close to Bozeman.
10. Pete's Hill (Burke Park)
9. History Rock
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Location: Hyalite Canyon
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8. Snowfill Recreation Area
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Location: Bridger Foothills
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7. Triple Tree Trail
- Difficulty: Medium
- Location: South of town (valley)
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6. Drinking Horse
- Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult
- Location: Story Hills
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5. Grotto Falls
- Difficulty: Easy
- Location: Hyalite Canyon
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4. Sourdough Trail
- Difficulty: Easy
- Location: Gallatin Mountains
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3. South Cottonwood
- Difficulty: Easy
- Location: Gallatin Mountains
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2. Palisade Falls
- Difficulty: Easy
- Location: Hyalite Canyon
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1. The College 'M' Trail
- Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult
- Location: Bridger Mountains
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In Bozeman, we are lucky to have such great access to public lands. This list of trails is just a sample of the abundance of hiking located near Bozeman. We hope you are able to enjoy a few of these trails or some of the others, this fall.
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In our never-ending quest to keep up with all things new in Bozeman, we have been producing content for years and can't possibly update every blog when new businesses open or existing businesses close. Please reference the publish date and do your own due diligence when making plans.